Our first pairs competition of 2024 and we’re on October already !! This was cancelled from earlier in the year but some mild, dry and half decent weather meant all good to go. Pairs are drawn blind and each player plays off their full handicap – the highest combined stableford points total wins the trophy.
A poor turnout (10 members, 5 pairs) didn’t dampen spirits and a great time was had by all. With captain Greg unable to make the comp Bryan, Clarkey and Rich Burgin sorted the admin and got everything up and running. Well done fellas – the more members we have ready to step in and keep these comps. going the better.
Sue of course didn’t need any help with the coffee and bacon rolls – no doubt there was enough for 2 each this month !! Thanks Sue.
Anyway it was a close fought competition but no combined scores over 70 – only 9 points separated top to bottom.
2 pairs scored 68 points but – on ‘countback’ Rich Burgin and Neil Butler came 3rd just missing out to our second placed pair Chris Davis and Andrew Thomas. Congrats go to our winners Bryan Holden and Neil Clarke who returned victorious with 70 points.
Nearest the pins this month Chris Davis on the 1st Bryan Holden on the 5th – good mornings work for these 2.
Dave Holding walked off with the £20 raffle prize – I’m sure he shared it with his partner Graham !!?? Some consolation for you both at least 😉